[Open] Gasan, Seoul
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- 등록일
- 2021.01.19 13:43
- 조회수
- 2,942
We are very pleased that a new restaurant opens on January at Gasan, Seoul
One bowl includes 500 years of our beautiful history.
Locally fermented food represents the well-balanced, nutritional, and low-calorie diet of Jeonju. Bibimbap, which contains the wisdom of mothers who have thought of their ancestors and continue to deliver their warmth.
We include the Korean tradition and preserves the values of Bibimbap.
☞ Hanok Village Jeonju Bibimbap
☞ Korean traditional cuisines(Bibimbap, Bulgogi, Jjigae, etc.)
☞ Location: 606, Seobusaet-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
We aim to provide you the best food with Korean traditional culture.
Thank you:)