베트남 프랜차이즈 박람회-Vietnam International Retailtech & Franchise Show > 공지 및 뉴스 | 한옥마을 전주비빔밥

공지 및 뉴스

공지 및 뉴스

베트남 프랜차이즈 박람회-Vietnam International Retailtech & Franchise Show
2019.10.31 14:22
The 11th Vietnam International Retailtech & Franchise Show (VIETRF) held in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam from 31 October to 2 November 2019. Many franchise brands in various fields such as food and beverages, beauty and healthcare, and other specialized retail models like automotive and motorcycle repair shops and laundry stores participate and look for potential franchisees.
Hanok Village Jeonju Bibimbap, focuses on Korean traditional cuisine, also participated in VIETRF to spread Korean food, especially Bibimbap, to the world. Hyun Ki Kim, CEO of Hanok Village Jeonju Bibimbap, told that “We have various concepts from traditional to trendy to approach people from all over the world.” and he added, “We hope we could give health and well-being food at a great value to everyone with the VIETRF opportunity."
Hanok Village Jeonju Bibimbap has tried to expand its brand to the world through various exhibitions and expos in Malaysia, Myanmar, Abu Dhabi, and Vietnam, in 2019.